How to Conduct Valuable Keyword Research For Your Online Marketing Specialty

Practical keyword research is the “key” to bringing targeted traffic to your website. In reality, your company’s success directly relies on how well you did your keyword research.

You cannot hope to be lucrative unless people visit your website, regardless of whether you are presenting a business opportunity or offering tools and services from a sales page.

However, you must draw enthusiastic people about the good, service, or opportunity you are promoting, not just visitors. Your visits will be more precisely targeted and of higher quality as potential customers for your company if the match is better.

Why keyword research is crucial to the success of your business

Driving targeted traffic to your website will be the cornerstone of your best plan. Exploring your specific “target” market and influencing search engines to identify and rank your pages highly are both goals of keyword research.

Most people will find you on the first page of search results, so getting it is crucial for your company. The top five websites are presented in the upper left corner of page one, where 70% of web searchers never scroll past the first result.

So how does keyword research assist you in focusing on your audience? First, it can help you determine the keywords or phrases that users enter into their search engine, particularly those most likely to lead them to your offer; in other words, highly targeted prospects equal high-quality traffic.

What do people genuinely interested in using the Internet to launch a home company search for? How detailed are they searching? This reveals where they are in the purchasing or application process or if they are browsing.

Second, a search engine will rank your page differently depending on how frequently (to a certain extent) it uses specific words and phrases. All the main search engines use’ Algorithms’ to determine how highly to rank any page they examine. These algorithms are essentially little computers, or “spiders,” that scan the material on your page and then index it according to what the words and phrases tell them the page is about.

A well-designed homepage should concentrate on a keyword or phrase you aim for. Your “key” words and phrases must be used in locations where search engines will most likely find them. These include your page’s title, summary, meta descriptions, body, and alternative text “tags” for your photos and videos. Search engine optimization (SEO) involves doing things like this in part.

How to choose your top keywords

Finding keywords that best match the queries of your most targeted visitors is the first stage in your keyword research strategy. Understand your potential customers’ thoughts. What are their aspirations, worries, wants, and dreams?

When you initially saw your opportunity, what were you personally looking for? What were your difficulties, issues, concerns, and requirements?

What’s the conversation going on in their heads, to quote Perry Marshall? You may make your keywords more focused and precise by putting yourself in your prospects’ shoes to a greater extent.

Not one perfect opportunity is what you’re after here. You should choose various keywords and phrases, approach the problem from several perspectives, test them, and determine which ones work best for your unique organization.

Choose a niche that you can directly relate to first. For instance, mothers who wish to work from home around their children or individuals who want to operate a franchise. Either one might be enterprising. Their initial search may influence your understanding of someone’s motivations.

Choosing profitable keywords is the second stage. It’s crucial to avoid targeting prominent or well-known keywords, such as home business or internet marketing. These are far too wide, and ranking highly for them in either the organic or paid search results will be too expensive or take too long.

Your keyword research must center on finding “long tail keywords,” or longer, more precise search terms, with a reasonable probability of ranking in the top 5 results on Google’s, Yahoo’s, or MSN’s first page.

How to find long tail keywords using free tools

There are numerous approaches to carrying out efficient keyword research. Many people genuinely use tools that are free or inexpensive. I would suggest beginning with the free ones.

Simply brainstorming is the most straightforward approach. You should jot down any words or phrases that come to mind that might have something to do with your business opportunity, product, or service.

The use of Google itself is another option. When you enter a general phrase like “home business,” you’ll discover that millions of pages about that keyword are returned.

But keep an eye on what happens as you type. You can rank in the popular searches that begin with that broad phrase from Google’s shortlist, and you’ll receive new ideas. For every search you conduct, similar keywords will be listed at the bottom of the results page.

You can also use’s free keyword research tool to drill down similarly.

These “long tail” keywords will produce less volume but typically have much lesser competition. For instance, if you want to find the most significant home businesses in the UK or Denver, start by searching for “home businesses.”

Finding a keyword that appears in roughly 5000 searches for its particular exact match search is a reasonable rule of thumb. (i.e., when you add quotations around it). Such as “how to launch a home business.”

You can conduct additional in-depth research based on actual search volumes and prospective CPC if you have a list of potential keyword phrases you think fit your brand well. (cost-per-click).

Use the free keyword tool provided by Google, which may be located in your AdWords account’s Tools section. You can also utilize various free tools, from,, and, to spy on your rivals.

Online, it’s undeniably getting more and more cutthroat. To review the competition, visit NicheBot ( or Google Trends ( Keep an eye out for new terms related to your industry and test them again using free keyword research tools.

Finding holes in the present competition in your niche can pay off because keyword research is the firm foundation for your marketing and, consequently, your business.

achieving high keyword rankings

Once you have a list of prospective long-tail keyword phrases, you should research the websites and other content that are currently in existence to see who the competition is. By doing this, you’ll be able to develop original material centered around your keywords that stands out in the marketplace.

Enter each keyword into your go-to search engine, then review the results. You can have trouble listing your domain website highly if one of your keywords produces search results for numerous authority sites or sites with a high page rank.

However, since search engines adore web 2.0 properties like these, you can have good results with a blog page, an essay, or a video associated with that keyword term. However, if there are already a lot of videos online, make sure you establish a specific web 2.0 property, such as a Squidoo lens, hub page, or podcast, for example.

You will have an advantage over the competition if you create unique, keyword-rich content for your selected niche. Your content will be adored by both search engines and site users, who will ideally share it and kickstart the social viral marketing process.

Analyzing the conversion rates of your keywords

No amount of keyword research will do more than indicate your chances of success. The testing is where you’ll see the true results of your keyword research.

Instead of focusing on click-through rates, monitoring your keywords against conversions is critical. This is the only reliable way to determine whether your company has found a lucrative niche.

To sum up:

– Any serious Internet marketer or business owner must master the essential skill of conducting efficient keyword research.

– To rank on page one of the search engines, create original and valuable content around long tail keywords with a reasonable amount of visits but little to no competition.

You will pay a high cost per click in paid search advertising without a lucrative keyword list, and there is little likelihood that you will ever be able to produce focused, targeted leads from free organic traffic.

The foundation of your marketing and business should consequently be adequate keyword research.

Dr. Jay Allyson Dempster is a freelance consultant and the creator of Belanda Consulting, iSuccess Business Academy, and The Educational Entrepreneurs Association. He assists small businesses in expanding their clientele through strategic marketing that is on-message, in-service, and incredibly successful.

You can request a free business strategy evaluation to learn more about how Jay can help you.

Read also: How to be a Real Internet Marketer